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How to create a logo in Corel Draw X6 is a very appropriate way. Due to this application is suitable for processing vector in which the logo is a collection of ideas from a vector which is shaped that way to show the meaning and brand are attractive and easy to remember. Logo is one appropriate tool to introduce your product or company, make it unnecessarily complicated. Even more simpler then people will more quickly recall. This time I will simply create a logo that I will make in corel draw x6. Examples logo that I will make is the Ubuntu logo that has been known as follows:


  • First create two circles, large and small. The smaller is precisely located in the center or in a large circle. Use "CircleTool" to make this logo. Then continue to combine. 

  • How to combine them do not use weld or trim. But use the "combine". This will make it into one of two circles but with this condition
  • Having managed to combine, we then create a rectangle exactly three rectangles with the same width. Pair according to the instructions I gave. 

  • Next, use the rectangle 3 to cut out circles using "Trim" then delete the cutter three objects because the task has been completed it at this stage.
  • Further objects will appear three separate conditions to create a circle with the same distance, but still be a field. Separate up to be truly three objects and not to move the position. Use "Ctrl + K" to separate or to seek Arrange menu on the menu bar and then "break apart" the field. 

  • The color of the logo Ubuntu tend to attract, namely matching. Less is more is the Red, Orange and Deep Yellow. Give color according to the existing logo.

    • Next create a circle at the bottom object with a position like image. Then use contour. When resized according to the wishes separate contour effect with the "Ctrl + K" or "Break Apart".

    • Choose a large circle and then select a color field, then "Trim". Do the same for the next two fields. 

    • Logo UBUNTU is already finished, and to add other effects could mempermanisnya use shiny black circle effect. Simply adding larger black circle of the logo put the main logo right in the middle.
      • Contour with type "inside contour" as much as one. Then Separate these effects with the "Ctrl + K".
      • The small circle paint it with "white" and then give the effect of "transparency" with linear type as shown below.

      How to create a logo in Corel Draw X6 can be done easily in this application, because all the equipment used is very useful and uncomplicated to use. Logo above is one simple logo that was very popular in the world. Each form as above surely most people understand that it is the logo UBUNTU although no text that follows. So make a simple logo to be easily remembered.



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