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Make Transparent Effect On Fur In CorelDraw X7 turned out to be easier than in previous versions. The equipment needs to be used is the fountain fill in terms of coloring, for the establishment remains the mainstay is the outline tool and also shape, the technique of shaping no change as well as the process of outlining. I assume that the technique of shaping and outlining've been able to run so it's been getting the type of hair like already stated below. The technique is somewhat different when using the coloring, so I will focus on this section. How can become transparent and the effect of creating objects such as resembling genuine or real.This tutorial can be regarded as realistic object, if you normally use a mesh fill tool, so this time we forget for a moment the technique and move on to the tips and tricks that much simpler.


  • Prepare a feather design previously made using the technique of shaping. Make sure they all do not join or can use the "ungroup all" to separate them.
  • Choose one field as a color guide, this is very important because of the color composition is another field that will follow what color is used most dominant color. Use the fountain could fill by pressing the "F11" on the keyboard or can see precisely the status bar at the bottom of the work area, click the image bucket twice. It will appear the box that contains the settings for the object.
  • Select the icon gradation, and set the coloring, specify transparent, use the type of linear gradation. Then OK.

  • Do the same for all the parts that exist at the object feathers in the work area. 

Make Transparent Effect On Fur In CorelDraw X7 is simpler because the fountain is equipped fillnya that effect. For earlier versions such as 16 or 15 can use the Mesh fill tool to get that effect. Now in version 17 does not need to bother to get a translucent objects at once with gradation effects.



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