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Make a banner Eid using CorelDraw version X6 this time it will use the theme silhouette. Everything is done manually and no one took bitmap or downloaded from google. The shape is like below.


The tutorial is as follows.
  • Before making my usual banner using the unit mm. And create a scale to make large banners. For example is to measure 4 meters by 1 meter, then I set up a work area measuring 400 mm x 100 mm. This I intend to speed up the loading effect that will be used later in the work area.
  • After setting up the work area make the box covering the work area using the rectangle tool. Or you can also double-click the "Rectangle Tool".
  • Then make a dome shape in a manner as shown below. 

  • After so then color it by using fill fontain according to the example, I use a glossy effect with the dominant color is gold.
  • Rotate 90 degrees and plug it into the work area. Now the work area as divided into two parts. That is left is the place for a logo or something, then that is the right part is content to be conveyed to the reader.
  • Use the "smart fill tool" on the left side to create a separate field to the right.I will color by using shades of green with a dark green and linear type up. 

  • As for the right side of my use of color gradation of orange and yellow.

  • Furthermore, the focus on part or left field (green shades) to decorate it, add textures. The trick is as follows. 

  • Select white color and insert it into the field gradient in a way Powerclip.
  • After the focus to the right side. Make silhouettes of minarets. The trick is as follows. 

  • Add the silhouette of grass as is the case with the silhouette of the tower.Using the "Artistic Media Tool".
  • The overall silhouette and the golden domes and the green shades in the group with orange gradient field in order to become a single entity template. 
  • Make the content as desired, to just inspiration can follow what I write. As for the left (gradation Green), could be in love logo or photograph or the like as desired.

Thus tutorial Creating a banner Eid using CorelDraw X6 version which simply can be applied to the overall use of the equipment provided by default in Corel.Hopefully useful and can be an inspiration.



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