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Showing Multiple Files In One screen is very useful if there are too many open files corel draw and sometimes confused in any file work area. For example there are 15 open file and all of which are highly sustainable means is still urgently needed so it is not possible to turn off some of the work area. With the overall appearance of files in one screen it will be easier to find the file by the design visually recognize not only the text. 

The trick is to form a working screen with the "Tile" so that they may work in the area although the condition is not as wide as the preview screen. How to create a view to "Tile"? the way he is:

  • Click the "Window" menu in the Menu Bar
  • Select Tile horizontally or vertically can also Tile. Both have the same functionality but different views.

When finished it will automatically all the active files will open in one screen which is still under the auspices of Corel Draw application. Showing Multiple Files In One display is directly applicable without having to know which version of the Corel.Hopefully useful simple tips.



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