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How to Make a Name Card Design with CorelDraw X6 was not as difficult as imagined. We all know that business cards are one of the tools in the enterprise to promote ourselves at once what the companies are offering. Media campaigns can not be separated from the existence of a business card even though the digital era has entered and membludaknya friendship started from Facebook, twitter or others.Still, many still assume that the conventional way more fun than in a modern way.

This time the tutorial I will discuss how to create a business card design that is powerful, attractive and not tacky. CorelDraw X6 remains a mainstay in assembling every vector design which will be the production to the consumer. Some examples of cards that I can design for business or personal purposes are as follows:


It should be noted that the size of a standard in the manufacture of cards is 90 mm x 55 mm or if the is 9 x 5.5 cm. Prepare sized area as already described. I tend to opt for units of millimeters but it is optional, depending on individual taste. I'll give you a tutorial on one of the Card as simple as this:

    1. Once the work area is ready then create a box about the size of the work area. How fast is by double-clicking the icon "Square Tool" that automatically there is a box the size of a work area.
    2. Turn the box and "contour inside" at a distance of 5 mm one. Separate contour with the "Ctrl + K" or break apart.The function of this second box is as the lower limit of the entire content or the content of the business card should be in the box. This meant that when the entire object is not cropped cuts and better views.
    3. Give color to the big box with the color gradation of orange and yellow. The trick is to use the "Fountain Fill" by setting the blend color is the color to use two types of "Radial". 
    4. Make big and small ellipse then combine using weld. Give the white color and then do outside contour as much as 3 times the distance as desired.Give color "Fill Color" with color "Orange Parent", this is so much contrast between fields. Then Break Apart or "Ctrl + K"
    5. Set logo with a suit then CMYK bitmap format. Then do the "transparency" mode "uniform" by 80 percent. Make Powerclip on a combination of the white ellipse. The object contour and field Powerclip results earlier in the group.
    6. Enter the group objects into a large box by way of a power clip. Set the appropriate location of the image.
    7. Fill it with content you have, such as a logo, name, address, telephone number and also address social media in accordance with the desired placement. finished
    How to Make a Name Card Design with CorelDraw X6 this time is not too complicated and only use the dominant color of one to two colors only. Better for business cards do not play too many colors or do not get too many colors in one area as this will disperse the reader focus on what you want is offered by the owner of the business card. May be useful.

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