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Creating a Standard with Corel Photo Frame is a continuation of the tutorial brush strokes photo frame. Manufacturing still using rules and tools are still relatively simple and everything is written in the articles in this simple blog. That must be considered is how to use contour and Powerclip. Both of these tools become very dominant in the execution process of making a frame with this corel.


To give the impression that life, I prefer a frame with a golden color and then there is a white canvas as a separator between the images or photos with the frame itself. My imagination is as follows:

  • First make a rectangle with the portrait position (standing) using square tool.Then "inside contour" box is large or small arrange themselves according to the wishes of the frame.

    • Once completed, the contour pisakan using "Ctrl + C" or with the menu "Arrange" and then select "Break apart".

    • After separate select both boxes then select "combine" on the property bar or by pressing "Ctrl + L" or by choosing Arrange menu and then combine.

    • Choose back contour effect and to now change the settings on the property bar with "To Center". Usually right there is a sign not valid, this is usually due to the distance between objects is too big then click "OK" and set contour offset by a smaller number such as "0.05 mm" and click on the icon "To center back"

    • When finished, select the effect and the direct results are colored Gold.Then on the property bar select "Fill Color" using the color Yellow Banana.Then remove the outline by right-clicking on the color docker top before black (Signs Cross).

    • The most important part in the frame has been made now make a box with the size of the inner side of the frame and select the color Black.

    • Contour black box with a choice of inside contour as desired distance.Separate by pressing "Ctrl + K" or Break apart, smaller box select the color white.

    • Contour white box with a choice of inside contour back and separate. The last box is where the image will be put.

    • Choose your preferred picture and then Powerclip into the smallest box, set in accordance with the wishes.

    Make a Photo Frame Standard Corel above every so often I used to create the effect in law or in an animated area of ​​the building. After learning of the second frame, in accordance with my promise that I will give the last 3 tutorial tutorial then be connected to the article Creating a Photo Frame with the theme of Pop Art in Corel Draw.



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